Cosmetic / Aesthetic Dentistry

Would you like the perfect smile?

A smile can be the most eye-catching feature of a face. With dentistry’s many advances, which are available at many of or cosmetic dental offices, you no longer have to settle for stained, chipped, or misshapen teeth. At our cosmetic dental offices, you now have choices that can help you smile with confidence. Even the most subtle change in your smile can make a dramatic difference in the way you look and feel about yourself.

Tooth Whitening

Many factors, including dietary habits (drinking coffee, tea, soda, and red wine) and certain medications, affect the whiteness of your smile. Tooth whitening is an affordable and effective way to combat common causes of tooth discoloration, while boosting your self-confidence and improving your appearance. It has been said that the easiest and least expensive way to look ten years younger is to whiten your teeth. We offer two whitening systems to fit our patients' lifestyles and budget considerations. In-Office Whitening, which is a chemically activated whitening treatment that offers amazing results in about an hour. This dentist-supervised, in-office procedure is safe and effective, and offers a brighter, whiter smile after just one appointment.

We also offer a Take Home Whitening kit, which delivers the whitening gels via customized bleaching trays. The sticky, viscous gel won't migrate to gums, and most formulations (of both in-office & take-home kits) include Potassium Fluoride (PF), which helps to improve oral health by strengthening enamel, decreasing sensitivity, and offering increased cavity prevention. Take Home Whitening Gels can provide results after just one night, though expect to see results in about a week. Before using either system, patients should have a comprehensive exam and cleaning done to evaluate if they are a good candidate for such whitening methods. Some patients are not ideal candidates, due to reasons such as the presence of crowns or other cosmetic dental work. Natural teeth will lighten, but crowns, veneers, and bondings will not. Also, candidates must have a recent cleaning and exam before whitening is recommended. Patients should keep in mind that drinking coffee, tea, red wine, and smoking cigarettes will gradually diminish the effect of any whitening process.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that are bonded directly to the front of each tooth. They can reshape teeth, change tooth color, close spaces, and fix worn or chipped teeth to create a white, beautiful, and uniform smile. They are an ideal choice for improving your smile and have become increasingly popular due to their simplicity and versatility. When bonded to the teeth, the ultra-thin porcelain veneers are virtually undetectable and highly resistant to coffee, tea, or even cigarette stains. For strength and appearance, their resemblance to healthy, white tooth enamel is unsurpassed by other restorative options. Placing custom veneers requires a high degree of technical skill as well as attention to cosmetic detail. Our dentistry has extensive training in the treatment planning and placement of custom veneers. We take extra care to design each case individually to match and enhance the characteristics of each patient's smile.

Porcelain Inlays/Onlays

Dental Inlays and Onlays are restorations used to repair rear teeth that have mild to moderate tooth decay. Inlays and Onlays can also be used to restore teeth that have minor fractures or cracks. However, if the damage to the teeth is severe enough, a dental crown is sometimes warranted. Inlays and Onlays are usually made from porcelain, composite resin and sometimes gold.

Aside from convenience, there are several advantages to having these procedures done in a single visit. Single visit restorations eliminate the need for additional appointments and injections, and your tooth is much better off not having a temporary restoration for two weeks. Temporary restorations can fall out and leak, which can lead to subsequent complications. Dental procedures can be traumatic to teeth, and eliminating a second appointment reduces the amount of stress put on a tooth.

Full Dentures, Partial Dentures, and Overdentures

When many of your teeth are loose or painful, they may be beyond saving. This condition is usually caused by advanced periodontal disease. If you are not a good candidate for implants, then removing your teeth and replacing them with a denture may be the best way to eliminate the infection and restore the health of your mouth. Periodontal disease causes bone to be lost; if it's not caught in time, there's so little support for the teeth that they have to be removed.

A Full Denture replaces all the missing teeth in the upper and lower jaw. When the entire procedure is completed in one day, it's called an Immediate Denture.

A Partial Denture is a removable dental appliance that replaces multiple missing teeth. It can be attached to the teeth with clasps (metal or tooth colored) or it can be attached to the teeth with crowns with precision attachments (hidden clasps).

An Implant Overdenture is a denture that has some sort of direct connection to dental implants. The connection helps secure the Full Denture into place, while overcoming the instability and lack of retention of a common complete denture. This is a good treatment option for an individual who requires a full denture, but wants to achieve a more stable and less bulky type of restoration.